13 Octobre 2020
Breast cancer

Genetic markers and breast cancer: Q&A with Dr Zdenko Herceg

Dr Zdenko Herceg, Head of the Epigenetics Group at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), answers questions about the EpiMark project and shares details of some exciting preliminary results, in a new interview to mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which occurs in October every year. The EpiMark project is a study of biomarkers in blood and their potential associations with breast cancer risk.

Read the Q&A

Publication status

Published in section: Actualité du CIRC

Publication date: 13 Octobre, 2020, 0:50

Direct link: https://www.iarc.who.int/fr/news-events/genetic-markers-and-breast-cancer-qa-with-dr-zdenko-herceg/

© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2024

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