12 Avril 2017

Latest data show a global increase of 13% in childhood cancer incidence over two decades

An international study coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and published today in The Lancet Oncology shows that in 2001–2010, childhood cancer was 13% more common than in the 1980s, reaching an annual incidence rate of 140 per million children aged 0–14 years worldwide.

Steliarova-Foucher E, Colombet M, Ries LAG, Moreno F, Dolya A, Bray F, Hesseling P, Shin HY, Stiller CA, and the IICC-3 contributors.
International incidence of childhood cancer, 2001–10: a population-based registry study. Lancet Oncol. Published online 11 April 2017.

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IARC Press Release 251

Publication status

Published in section: Actualité du CIRC

Publication date: 12 Avril, 2017, 0:00

Direct link: https://www.iarc.who.int/fr/news-events/latest-data-show-a-global-increase-of-13-in-childhood-cancer-incidence-over-two-decades-2/

© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2024

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