28 Juillet 2020
Infections Liver cancer

World Hepatitis Day 2020

World Hepatitis Day is observed on 28 July every year, to raise global awareness of hepatitis.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Global Hepatitis Programme aims to eliminate viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030. Elimination of viral hepatitis is defined as achieving a 90% reduction in new chronic infections and a 65% reduction in mortality, compared with the 2015 baseline.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) supports the WHO Global Hepatitis Programme and strives to measure how infections with hepatitis viruses contribute to the worldwide burden of liver cancer and liver cirrhosis, by using the vast set of data collected through cancer registry networks worldwide.

In an interview to mark World Hepatitis Day, Dr Catherine de Martel, a scientist in the Infections and Cancer Epidemiology Group at IARC, provides an overview of IARC’s research activities in the field of hepatitis and cancer, and explains how this work helps in setting priorities for prevention.

Read the Q&A

View the infographic

Publication status

Published in section: Actualité du CIRC

Publication date: 28 Juillet, 2020, 0:19

Direct link: https://www.iarc.who.int/fr/news-events/world-hepatitis-day-2020/

© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2024

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