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11 April 2019

Reducing social inequalities in cancer: evidence and priorities for research

Dr Salvatore Vaccarella and Dr Joannie Lortet-Tieulent talk about how cancer risk factors and access to health care are closely linked to social inequalities. People with lower socioeconomic status or who are part of marginalized groups have a higher incidence of certain types of cancers and higher mortality from the majority of cancers than people with higher socioeconomic status.

IARC Scientific Publication No. 168: Reducing social inequalities in cancer: evidence and priorities for research examines the factors responsible for this disparity, looking at the effects of policies, laws, and health systems, along with other evidence from every continent.

In this interview, Drs Vaccarella and Lortet-Tieulent outline concrete ways in which these social inequalities can be tackled to improve outcomes for all socioeconomic groups.
See IARC Scientific Publication No. 168

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